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Category: Data Science

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Machine learning (ML) in stock exchange

Forecasting the stock market and doing in-depth research are two of the most challenging types of work. There are several reasons for this, one of which is the volatility of the market, in addition to a wide range of other dependent and independent factors that play a role in determining the value of a particular

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Benefits of data-driven marketing

A marketing strategy known as “data-driven marketing” is a method that bases choices and the overall course of marketing campaigns on the findings and interpretations of data and analytics. Using a marketing strategy that is driven by data has a number of advantages, including the following: 1. Customer-focused marketing and advertising The use of data

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How Does Recommendation Systems of Netflix, Amazon and YouTube Work

Data is the foundation for a personalized customer experience. If you have accurate data, you can use data science and machine learning to mold the whole client experience. Recommender systems are very effective customization tools because they are an excellent method for “discovery” presenting user’s stuff they would like but are unlikely to find on

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) simulation of human brain

The process of developing a functional computer model of a human brain or a portion of a human brain is known as “brain simulation.” The goal of research projects using brain simulation is to contribute to a comprehensive knowledge of the brain and, in the long run, also to aid in the process of identifying

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